The CTI Journey: Putting Threat Intelligence into Action



Today’s cyber adversaries are getting faster and more relentless, making cyber defense an uphill battle for organizations across the globe. Security teams without threat intelligence face an unequal fight between adversaries and defenders; giving adversaries the advantage.

CTI is a must-have in the fight against adversaries, but threat intelligence comes in many forms and can serve a wide range of use cases, so security teams often don’t know where to begin. Organizations are challenged to put CTI into context for their day-to-day security operations and maximize the value of threat intelligence within their cybersecurity strategy.

In this CrowdCast, we’ll walk you through the threat intelligence journey to help you put CTI into context and incorporate actionable intelligence into your security program.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to leverage threat intelligence to overcome common challenges adversaries pose to security teams
  • Understand the threat intelligence journey to map where you are based on your organization’s security sophistication and goals
  • Explore specific CTI use cases to learn how organizations are leveraging CTI to solve security issues

CrowdStrike Presenters:

Joshua Shapiro, Director, Threat Intelligence

Matt Miller, Manager, Threat Intelligence

Bart Lenaerts-Bergmans, Threat Intelligence Product Marketing Manager